Pavel Růžička



Pavel Růžička [he/him]

UX Software Engineer

Do you need to improve team culture and customer's delight? I like it :)

I have been developing applications tailored exactly for customer needs using the latest possible technologies. I have been involved in internal projects focused on improving company culture, soft skills, leadership and happiness management.
I always contribute with my knowledge of good patterns of UX & Ethic.

  • 30+ Apps programming
  • 25+ Development of web apps
  • 15+ User Experience (UX) principles
  • 10+ Leadership skills & building team culture experience
  • Sharing & Public Speaking
  • Willing to travel & relocate
  • Non-smoker
Signature - Pavel Ruzicka


I started my programmer career at PC Net CZ in Brno where I helped buildind company’s web pages in PHP and launch several customer web sites.
Then I moved to Prague to T-Mobile CZ, I started my work on the company website in ASP.NET. In two years (2005) the website became very successful Web Top 100 competition, for next 5 years it took place among the first three competitors because of it's high accessibility and usability.
I also took part in projects focused on voice automation services and speech recognition.

After ten years I decided to move to a company which is focused on Microsoft's technologies, for two years to Nexum trilog company and then to HAVIT, s.r.o.

Proffesionalism in delivery and communication

  • Consistently finishing projects ahead of schedule
  • Exceeding expectations for a project
  • Attention to detail and catching minute errors early in the production process
  • Taking the initiative to go above and beyond what was assigned

Interpersonal skills

  • Building strong, ongoing relationships with customers
  • Working collaboratively with team members and co-workers
  • Leading discussions and workshops on „soft-skills topics“ like communication, leadership, user & customer experience
  • listening and communication skills & emotional intelligence

Leadership and Management skills

  • Successfully heading a major project with several others on your team
  • Skillfully delegating responsibilities to others
  • Identifying difficult problems and implementing innovative solutions with measurable results



4/1/2023 - Present

Advanced Developer

  • Application development & Digital Transformation projects for Danish public sector
  • ASP.NET Webforms, ASPNET.Core, Angular, WebServices, WCF, Azure, MS SQL, TFS, Git…


10/1994 - Present


  • As the former DJ ESWL he was one of the leading Czech trance and progressive DJs
  • Currently he performs under the new name PAW.L
  • His web pages were designed for novice DJs to help them start mixing

Prague Bears, z.s.

9/1/2012 - Present

President - Voluntary Activity

  • Association for male persons that are intersted in gay bear movement
  • service organisation with aim to contribute to development of LGBT community

HAVIT, s.r.o.

6/1/2014 - 3/31/2023 • 8 years 9 months

Software engineer

  • Web development using ASP.NET Webforms, ASPNET.Core, WebServices, WCF, Blazor, Azure, MS SQL

nexum Trilog a.s.

10/1/2012 - 5/31/2014 • 1 year 8 months

.NET Developer

  • Development of web portals and internal request system using ASP.NET, Webforms, MVC, jQuery, MS Sharepoint
  • Leadership skills team support: presentation of new ideas and concepts

Prague Speakers Toastmasters

7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013 • 1 year

President - Voluntary Activity

7/1/2011 - 6/30/2012 • 1 year

Vice President of Education - Voluntary Activity

  • Planning club meetings
  • Planning the accomplishment of the club program goals
  • Monitor club performance and progress towards goals
  • Coach team members when necessary
  • Delegating tasks as needed
  • Assigning a mentor to every new member

T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

6/1/2009 - 3/31/2012 • 2 years 10 months

Senior Programmer - Analyst

  • Analysis of customers requirements, Working on projects
  • Development of voice (IVR) and USSD applications, improving and recoding old applications regarding User Experience, selfcare application with the highest usage in Czech Republic (65,000 requests per day, 365/7/24)
  • Solving possible defects and incidents on production applications
  • Leadership skills team support: presentation of new ideas and concepts, revision of processes, code-review
  • Gathering innovative ideas and evaluating them for implementation
10/1/2007 - 5/31/2009 • 1 year 8 months

Programmer - Analyst

  • Analysis of customers requirements
  • Development of web pages, intranet applications on ASP.NET platform
  • Development of voice applications (IVR) with voice recognition
11/01/2002 - 9/30/2007 • 4 years 11 months


  • Development of web pages on ASP.NET platform
  • Development of intranet applications on PHP, ASP and ASP.NET platform
  • Development of small voice applications (IVR)

Qris a.s., Prague, Czech Republic

9/20/2002 - 10/31/2002 • 2 months

PHP and Oracle programmer

  • Development of IZIP information system ( using XHTML, JavaScript, PHP, Oracle

Freelance programmer

12/9/2001 - 5/1/2003 • 1 year 9 months)

Member of team Supramax spol. s r.o.

  • Web, database development on PHP, MySQL platform

PC Net CZ spol. s r.o., Brno, Czech Republic

11/1/2000 - 8/12/2001 • 1 year 2 months

Web & Wap Developer

  • Programming PHP based application using MySQL
  • Servicing and repairing of computers
1/1/2000 - 10/31/2000 • 10 months

Certified service technician PC IBM

  • Servicing and repairing of computers
  • SW installation, configuration

CHEMONT, a.s., Brno, Czech Republic

9/1/1997 - 12/14/1999 • 2 years 4 months

Novell Network administrator, Deputy head of IT department

  • Administration of network, SW instalation, End user support
9/1/1993 - 8/31/1997 • 4 years

Novell Network administrator, Technician of PC administration

  • Administration of network, technician, SW instalation, End user support

Voluntary Activities

Prague Bears, z.s.

7/1/2012 - Present


Prague Speakers Toastmasters

7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013 • 1 year


7/1/2011 - 6/30/2012 • 1 year

Vice President of Education

  • Planning club meetings
  • Planning the accomplishment of the club program goals
  • Monitor club performance and progress towards goals
  • Coach team members when necessary
  • Delegating tasks as needed
  • Assigning a mentor to every new member

SVČ Lužánky (Brno)

9/1996 - 1/2001

Instructor of a group of young people interested in programming

DDM Junior (Brno)

10/1992 - 8/1996

Instructor of a group of young people interested in electronics

SVČ Lužánky (Brno)

3/1992 - 9/1992

Instructor of a group of young people interested in electronics

DDM Vratimov (Ostrava)


Instructor of a group of young people interested in electronics

DDM Lužánky (Brno)

1989 - 1991

Instructor of a group of young people interested in radio engineering

Skills & Services

ASP.NET WebForms 100%
C# 75%
Blazor & ASP.NET Core Blazor 50%
Typescript 45%
Angular 30%
MS SQL 80%
Visual Studio & DevOps 90%
Git 40%
Microsoft Azure 60%
JIRA 70%

Retired Skills & Technologies

IVR 70%
PHP & MySQL 80%
Oracle DB 40%
DBase, FoxPro 70%
Novell Netware 90%
HTML5 / CSS3 / Bootstrap 70%
Delphi, Pascal, Basic 60%


  • SW Applications, SW Development
  • Agile methodology
  • Continual Delivery
  • User Centered Design
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Quality management
  • Issue Tracking

Efficiency Tools


With more than 25 years of experience with programming - Microsoft Certified Professional I am currently involved in developing enterprise web applications using ASP.NET & MS SQL.

As an experienced web developer using ASP.NET with focus on UX you can involve me in a lead role of development team as of 30% leader, 50% sw engineer, 20% UX.

As a team or a company you have oportunity to get developed and reached work ethics which enables utilizing my Competent Leadership Skills. Up on that you can experience doing speeches for colleagues inside a team and public speeches to be more visible.


Master's Degree (unfinished)

9/1991 - 1/1992

VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava

  • Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
  • Unfinished

Higher Professional Education

2/1992 - 6/1993

Business Academy of Albín Bráf, Třebíč

  • Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician
  • Higher Professional Education with High School Diploma

Complete Secondary Vocational Education

9/1987 - 6/1991

Gymnázium Brno, Lerchova 63, Brno

  • Informatics
  • Complete Secondary Vocational Education with High School Diploma



Native speaker


Fluent (C1) - presentations, leading meetings, calls, e-mails, writing documentation


Fluent (C2) - presentations, leading meetings, calls, e-mails, writing documentation


Advanced Low (B2) - limited working proficiency


Basic (A2) - limited working proficiency


MCAD, MCPD, MCTS (MCP 3822879)


GOPAS, a.s.

Voice Apps using Voxeo VoiceObjects


Voxeo, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

IBM Warranty Authorization


IBM Czech Republic, Prague

Typing with All Ten Fingers


Driving licence AM, A1, B, B1


Personal development

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

11/4/2011 - 11/5/2011

Franklin Covey

Leadership a týmové hry


INSPIRATA - Hana Březinová

Couch Mastering


NeuroLeadership - Vladimír Tuka

Motivace zaměstnanců v 21. století


INSPIRATA - Hana Březinová

Zpětnou vazbu dáváme a přijímáme


Edutica - Radek Drnovský

Jak správně zacházet s důležitým a naléhavým


Edutica - Radek Drnovský



Edutica - Radek Drnovský

Mikrovýrazy - naučte se číst ve tvářích!


Ondřej Staněk Consulting

Sebepoznání a komunikace v týmu

4/21/2016 - 4/22/2016

MINDtegrity - Radek Drnovský

UX Basics & Testing


Jak začít s GTD


MINDtegrity - Radek Drnovský

Myšlenkové mapy a další nástroje kreativity pro jednotlivce a týmy


MINDtegrity - Radek Drnovský


5/11/2009 – 5/12/2009


Self and Personality Typology - Four Elements

6/11/2008 – 6/12/2008


Successful communication with colleagues, superiors



Creative Problem Solving


Develor Czech

Handling difficult situations in communication

5/3/2007 – 5/4/2007


Interpersonal Communication skills II.

10/2/2006 – 10/3/2006

DEMOS - Pragoeduca, a.s.

Negotiation skills

6/13/2006 – 6/14/2006

Mercuri International

Conflict management

4/20/2006 – 4/21/2006


Presentation skills

5/17/2005 – 5/19/2005

Mercuri International

Oceňování různorodosti



Project management


T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

Time & Priority management


Mercuri International

Interpersonal Communication Skills I.

6/24/2004 – 6/25/2004

Mercuri International

Professional development

Service Oriented Architecture Basics


T-Mobile Czech Republic

Security of web applications


T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

INTPW - Creation of accessible web


GOPAS, a.s.

GOC30 - Microsoft VS 2005 – transition to C# .NET 2.0

7/12/2007 – 7/13/2007

GOPAS, a.s.

Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX and other extensions of ASP.NET 2.0

6/28/2007 – 6/29/2007

GOPAS, a.s.

OOP, UML and component technologies

4/16/2007 – 4/20/2007

RNDr Ilja Kraval, Object Consulting

NRD – Relation database design

9/14/2006 – 9/15/2006

GOPAS, a.s.

GOC26 – Introductions to UML


GOPAS, a.s.

Java – database technologies

11/2/2005 – 11/3/2005

TrainTime, s.r.o.

Web applications with Java J2EE

10/20/2005 – 10/22/2005

TrainTime, s.r.o.

MOC2524 - Development of web services with C# and ASP.NET

8/8/2005 – 8/10/2005

GOPAS, a.s.

MOC2389 - Programming with ADO.NET library

6/20/2005 – 6/22/2005

GOPAS, a.s.

MOC2663 - Programming using XML with Microsoft .NET Framework

5/30/2005 – 6/1/2005

GOPAS, a.s.

MOC2073 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – database programming

11/29/2004 – 12/3/2004

GOPAS, a.s.

MOC2071 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – searching with Transact-SQL

9/29/2004 – 9/30/2004

GOPAS, a.s.

MOC2310 - Development of ASP.NET web applications

4/26/2004 – 4/30/2004

GOPAS, a.s.

Repair and installation of PC

2/19/1996 – 2/23/1996

INORGA Tréninkové centrum s.r.o.


Xerox Chester

6/2014 – 3/2023
  • service web portal and e-shop for XEROX
  • ASP.NET Webforms
  • MS SQL, Azure

Enables contracted clients to manage their service requirements and order consumables, distributors to purchase goods, partners to order spare parts and paper, and service engineers to report their trips and order spare parts. Was redesigned in 2022 after 11 years of operation, to better suit current standards.
The app is being used in Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Netherlands, Swiss, Spain, Greece, Russia and in Saudi Arabia.
For each country the version has various adjustments and enhancements implemented.

HAVIT Projects

6/2014 – 3/2023
  • customers/dealers portals, workflow systems
  • accounting/invoicing systems, document management systems
  • ASP.NET Webforms, MVC
  • MS SQL, Azure

Webmium - WOP

July 2013 – May 2014
  • dealers portal, ticket/tracking system
  • ASP.NET Webforms

PSČP - Klientský portál

November 2012 – May 2014
  • automated client self-care portal
  • ASP.NET MVC, jQuery

PSČP - Portal PEPA

October 2012 – May 2014
  • portal to support of officials and dealers
  • ASP.NET Webforms

Accessible web pages of