Also known as former DJ ESWL



He has been djing since 1994.
As the former DJ ESWL he was one of the leading Czech trance and progressive DJs.

Currently he performs as a multi-genre dj under the new name PAW.L (read Paul) which refers to his name Pavel (Paul) and to a bear paw. He plays at parties intended for gay bear subculture, during the so-called bear weekends in Czechia and abroad.
From time to time he plays at small club events and events for friends.

Since 2018 he co-organizes and is a resident of the club party BIGGER Clubbing.

With the project #bearDJs he helps coordinate fellow djs for bear events.

After first discotheques with radio-hits he moved to the trance style.
He played at events such as Citadela, Fusion, Gate or Tracepotting in clubs in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland and Austria.
As a guest he played in radio station like Radio Akropolis, Radio 1, Evropa 2 (Dance Extravaganza).
His web pages were designed for novice DJs to help them start mixing.

Djingu se věnuje od roku 1994.
Jako bývalý DJ ESWL byl svého času jedním z předních českých trance a progressive djs.

V současnosti vystupuje jako multižánrový dj pod novým jménem PAW.L (čti pól), které odkazuje na jeho jméno Pavel a současně na medvědí tlapu (paw), hraje na parties určených pro gay medvědí subkulturu, během tzv. medvědích víkendů v Česku i zahraničí.
Rád si sem tam zahraje i na menších klubových akcích a akcích pro přátele.

Od roku 2018 spolupořádá a je rezidentem klubové párty BIGGER Clubbing.

S projektem #bearDJs pomáhá koordinovat kolegy dje na eventech bear komunity.

Po prvních diskotékach s rádio-hity přešel ke stylu trance.
Hrál na akcích jako Citadela, Fusion, Gate nebo Tracepotting, v klubech v Česku, Slovensku, Polsku a Rakousku.
Hostoval v rádiích jako Rádio Akropolis, Rádio 1, Evropa 2 (Dance Extravaganza).
Byl provozovatelem stránek, které byly určeny pro začínající djs.


Which type(s) of music would you consider?

✔ House / Pop-House / Trance
✔ Deep House / Progressive House
✔ No Commercial Music

What type of event or venue do you need a DJ for?

✔ Club, Disco, Café Party
✔ Big Stage Event, Open Air Event
✔ Private Residence, Birthday Party - Adult

What are expected age(s) and type of the guests?

✔ 25 - 55 years old
✔ dance & club electronic music lovers

Which types of DJ services would you consider?

✔ DJ using it's own equipment
✔ mixing console Roland DJ-202 with a computer
✔ standard stereo RCA (CINCH) or XLR output

Requirements at the venue?

✔ 230V AC power outlet (socket)
✔ power amplifier with standard RCA (CINCH) or XLR input
✔ loud speakers

Nice to have a the venue

✔ analog DJ mixer with standard RCA (CINCH) input
✔ DJ booth monitor



Prague, Czech Republic